Cue Cards
IELTS cue cards
- To prepare a cue card you need to understand the question very well. Do not panic after reading the questions. You will get 1 minute to plan your answer. Just think what it is about if you do not have much idea, do not worry just make up a story.
- Just focus on the questions and answer each point asked in question one by one.
- You have to keep speaking until the examiner would not stop you.
- Do not speak too fast.
- Do not worry about your accent, content and ideas( it just needs to be related to the question).
- However, you need to give your answer with maximum clarity. Explain your point very well, take care of your Grammar and Pronunciations.
- You need to keep speaking up for 1 to 2 minutes.
- You can use contractions such I’m instead of I am, didn’t on the place of did not etc.
IELTS Cue Cards with answers.