Describe a picture or photograph in your home or room that you like

Describe a picture or photograph in your home or room that you like

  • What is in the photo?
  • Where this photo is in your home
  • How this picture was taken
  • and explain what this photo means to you.

Sample Answer:

Well, I would love to tell you about a picture which is one of my favourite photographs in my home. This picture has a view of a lake with mountains in it. The water of the lake looks blue with rocky cliffs around the lake. The view of the photograph is pretty mesmerizing. 

Where this photo is in your home

This photograph is on the wall of our living room. I believe it is the best place for this photo because whenever anyone enters the living room, it is the wall where their vision goes at first. It is huge because it has covered most of the wall. The dimensions of the frame are 30″ x 40″.

How this picture was taken

It was the year 2018 when my brother visited on a trip to Kashmir. It is a heaven on the earth. While his visit to Kashmir, he went to the Pangong Lake in the Ladakh region of Kashmir. He captured it then. I am not sure whether he used his Canon or Nikon DSLR to take this picture.

Explain what this photo means to you.

This photograph means a lot to me because it gave wings to my imaginations to imagine how beautiful this place would be in real, and this picture inspired me to visit the lake. I never knew that such beautiful places are present in my country. I relished my tour of this place. 

Thank you!

Reading time 58 sec | Speaking time 1 min 53 sec

Submitted by one of our students from India

Now it’s your time to think and “Describe a picture or photograph in your home or room that you like”. It is always a good idea to develop your own answer. Think and Comment your answer in the comment section.

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