Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


methods, advertising, unethical, today’s, society


The advertisement has become the best way of promoting the product in the market.

Paraphrase the question:

In this day and age, some techniques have been used in commercials are quite unprofessional and not welcomed by society.

Thesis sentence:

I agree with the notion to a large extent and intent to discuss my views in the subsequent paragraphs.


The advertisements have become the best ways of promoting products in the market. In this day and age, some techniques have been used in commercials are quite unprofessional and not welcomed by society. I agree with the notion to a large extent and intent to discuss my views in the subsequent paragraphs.


Body paragraphs:

  1. The first and foremost reason behind this approach is to increase the sale by making deceptive ads. In fact, companies hire professional advertisement agencies to develop commercial to hit the market of a particular age group. indeed, these agencies hire prominent faces to act sometimes even as a doctor in the commercials by paying them hefty fees.  A case in point is that a very popular international brand made an advert of toothpaste by hiring a local theatre actor who is quite famous in India and they depicted him as a doctor who advises the viewers to use that toothpaste, which is a very dishonest approach.

  2.  To fortify further, some advertisers, especially those who belong to marketing agencies who advertise about their services using telemarketing . in fact, many health and life insurance companies sell their policies by hiding important terms and conditions from their customers while they are on call with them. To exemplify, when a person purchases a health policy over the phone, a fair amount of insurance agents do not tell them that in some cases the company would not pay the medical expenses because the health policies do not cover the dental treatments,  thereby hurting people merely for the sake of money by not mentioning all the details is quite unacceptable and unethical.



To recapitulate, while there could be financial benefits for the companies, overall this approach is a curse for the society because by telling the half-truth to the customer can devastate his physical, mental and economical state.

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