People nowadays are not as fit and active as they were in the past. What are the reasons for this? What measures can be taken for this?

People, not fit and active, past and nowadays
Living a healthy lifestyle has become very essential in today’s life.
Paraphrase the question:
In this day and age, individuals have become less vigorous and healthy as compared to the bygone days.
Thesis sentence:
This essay shall delve into various reasons behind this scenario along with the remedial measures in the subsequent paragraphs.


Living a healthy lifestyle has become very essential in today’s life. In this day and age, individuals have become less vigorous and healthy as compared to the bygone days. This essay shall delve into various reasons behind this scenario along with the remedial measures in the subsequent paragraphs.


  1. Owing to the advent of technology, they do not indulge themselves in physical activities like sports. In fact, they like to spend their free time playing video games on the play station or watching Netflix. To exemplifying, when a person does not go out to do jogging or any other workout during his leisure time instead of that he spends hours on playing computer games, thereby playing with his own physical well being.  Furthermore, in the past, people did not have access to private vehicles to commute from one place to another, especially from work either they go to their work by walking or using bicycles, which is replaced by cars and bikes.
  2.  To fortify further, people do not have enough time due to the busy schedule. indeed, many companies do not follow the ethics and they violate human rights by taking more work from their employees. Indeed, they are forced to work in sweatshops in the graveyard shifts round-the-clock, especially in the third world countries. For example, populace who work in call centres and do their sitting jobs in front of the computer screens are the most affected by this trend.


  1.  Needs to run more and more awareness campaigns to promote the benefits of walking at least 6000 steps every day.  It would not only improve the cognitive abilities by boosting the mood but also would help to burn extra fat.

  2. Governments need to make strict policies in favour of workers who are forced to work in a poor working environment. A case in point is that recently China has banned more than 10 international prominent brands who violated the human rights at their branches, which were in China.


To recapitulate,  people became less active due to a busy schedule and moreover, they have engrossed too much into the technology. However, this situation can be handled by promoting the health benefits of doing a workout.

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