Parts of Speech in English with Examples | Parts of Speeches

Parts of Speech in English with Examples | Parts of Speeches

Parts of Speech in English with Examples | Parts of Speeches

Language is the best medium of communication through which we convey or express our ideas, feelings, thoughts, and emotions to others. A word is a basic unit in every language. The word is nothing but a proper combination of letters in the alphabet. At any cost, never undermine the role of words or groups of words in a language. Speech consists of words, and words make sentences.

Parts of Speech has eight categories.

  1. Nouns
  2. Pronouns
  3. Adjectives
  4. Verbs
  5. Adverbs
  6. Prepositions
  7. Conjunctions
  8. Interjections

We will discuss all the Parts of Speech in English with Examples one by one.


A Noun is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, animal, event, or quality. It is also not wrong to say that a noun is a name given to all that is seen, felt, or heard.

For example:

  1. Jessica is a good girl.
  2. New York is a beautiful city.
  3. The table is quite solid.
  4. The cat is a clever animal.
  5. She lives in an apartment.
  6. Abraham Lincoln played a great in abolishing slavery.
  7. Beauty will not last forever.
  8. Simplicity is the best policy.

In the above sentences, all the underlined words are Nouns.


A Pronoun is a word used in place of a noun.

For example: 

  1. Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and lawyer. He was the 16th president of the United States. He led the nation through the American Civil War. He was largely self-educated. His main purpose in the Civil War was to preserve the Union.
  2. Maria is an English teacher. She teaches her studies with full zeal. She had her education in New York. It is a big city.

In the above sentences, all words in bold are Pronouns.


Adjectives are the words that describe a noun or pronouns. It also adds meaning to nouns and pronouns. 

For example:

  1. The United States is a great country.
  2. India has many states.
  3. Lahore is a beautiful city.
  4. Sunny is very handsome.
  5. The dog is a loyal animal.

In the above sentences, all the underlines words are Adjectives.


A Verb is a word used to say something about a person, place, or thing. It denotes action, feeling, or existence. They are ‘doing’ or ‘saying’ words. They highlight something that is done or said about a subject.

For example:

  1. Jackson reads a book. (action)
  2. Mirza knows the secrets of Jackson. (existence)
  3. It was a sunny day. (existence)
  4. They always help the poor. (action)
  5. She was sad. (feeling)

In the above sentences, all the underlines words are Verbs.


An Adverb is a word that modifies the meaning of a Verb, an Adjective, or other Adverb, or a word group. In other words, Adverb is used to add something to the meaning of the above-mentioned parts of speech.

For example:

  1. Parts of SpeechShe walked briskly into the building.
  2. He waited politely for me to ask questions.
  3. very large amount.
  4. They must be carefully handled and stored.
  5. She arrived late.

In the above sentences, all the underlines words are Adverbs.


A preposition is a word that is used to show the relationship between two objects or persons. It is placed before a Noun or a Pronoun that is to govern. It indicates some relation between the Noun or Pronoun to some other word.

For example:

  1. He was lying on his back.
  2. A small man with thick glasses.
  3. I’m living in London.
  4. The children go to bed at nine o’clock.
  5. A boy of 15 years old.
  6. She began to walk away from him.

In the above sentences, all the underlines words are Prepositions.


Conjunctions are joining words. They help us in joining words, phrases, clauses, and even sentences. 

For example:

  1. Six and four make ten.
  2. He asked if we would like some coffee.
  3. I’m sorry, but I can’t pay you.
  4. We did it because we felt it our duty.
  5. Although the sun was shining, yet it wasn’t that warm.
  6. A cup of tea or coffee.

In the above sentences, all the underlines words are Conjunctions.


The word which is used to express some sudden feeling or emotion is called an interjection. It is used to express an outburst. It has no grammatical connection with the remaining sentence.

For example:

  1. Oh! I’m sorry.
  2. Alas! What are we to do now?
  3. Hurrah! our team has won the match.

In the above sentences, all the bold are Conjunctions.

Parts of Speech in English with Examples | Parts of Speeches

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2 responses to “Parts of Speech in English with Examples | Parts of Speeches”

  1. Sandeep kaur Avatar
    Sandeep kaur

    Great thanks for the useful material

    1. Thank you!