Some parents are worried about the increasing level of violence on TV, videos games & other types of entertainment for children’s leisure. How does this affect children? How do you think problem can be tackled ?

Some parents are worried about the increasing level of violence on TV, videos games & other types of entertainment for children’s leisure. How does this affect children? How do you think the problem can be tackled?


Sample Answer:

The growing level of violence on television, videos games, and many other kinds of entertainment mediums of leisure for kids have made parents concerned. This essay will discuss how it puts unfavourable impacts on the children along with corrective measures; followed by a reasoned conclusion.

These days children have easy access to free movies and video games via the internet, and it is a tremendous burden for the parents. When children watch action movies or play video games, which are full of violent scenes, they try to imitate the same in the real. Therefore, such entertainment sources instigate them to do the same activities to look macho. For example, there is an extremely famous video game Pubg, which is available on both Andriod and Apple stores; it has put an immensely severe impact on the children’s mindset. Even some new reports mentioned that violent games like Pubg trigger aggressive thoughts, which leads children towards the world of crime.

The best remedial measure to handle such a critical problem is by motivation children to do more outdoor activities during their leisure time instead of giving them the freedom to engrossed into electronic gadgets. They will become more social. As a result, children would prefer to go to parks and playgrounds during their leisure hours to play with their pals. The authorities should build more public parks and playground where children can play without any fear.

In conclusion, it is an irrefutable fact that movie and video games of the violent genre are vulnerable for the mental health of children and the onus is on the parents to motivate their children to do more physical activities and authorities need to provide children with the best and safe playgrounds.

Now it’s your time to think about this topic, “Some parents are worried about the increasing level of violence on TV, videos games & other types of entertainment for children’s leisure. How does this affect children? How do you think the problem can be tackled ?”. We have mentioned some of the important tips below(Do’s and Don’ts)

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