Talk About A Celebration Organized After An Achievement Or Describe A Situation When You Celebrated Your Achievement.

Talk About A Celebration Organized After An Achievement Or Describe A Situation When You Celebrated Your Achievement.


Sample Answer:

Well, I would love to tell you about the extraordinary achievement of me, which I celebrated. I won the first prize in the national universities chess competition. I have been playing play chess since my childhood, and I got this talent from my dad. It was a challenging contest as I competed with one of the best chess players in this national chess meet.

When it happened

I won this competition last year, and I represented my state in this sports eve as a chess player. I went to the capital city of my country to participate in the tournament with my coach. My coach is a remarkable player of chess. Luckily, I got the chance to learn many valuable lessons to play like a pro.

How did I celebrate

I celebrated this achievement with my family and friends. I would say it was a great surprise party thrown by friends. They organised it very well. The food was delicious, and we danced on a couple of tracks. Some of the sports journalists also attend the party. They interviewed me and captured some of my photos to highlight my win in the newspapers.

How did I feel about it

I felt amazing after getting such a delightful party. I thanked everyone for their best wishes, and the entire event boosted my confidence to the next level. Now I am practising the game with the national level players. I am having a great time with them. Hope I would get a chance to represent my country at the world level.

Reading time:  58 sec | Speaking time: 1 min 53 sec

You can speak about any of your achievements whether it is related to a promotion which you got at your workplace, educational success or a triumph in a sports event. Now it’s your time to think and “Talk About A Celebration Organized After An Achievement”. It is always a good idea to develop your own answer. Think and Comment your answer in the comment section.

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