Nouns: Types of Noun with Examples.

Nouns: Types of Noun with Examples | English Grammar.


A noun is the name of a person, animal, place, or thing. It may also name a feeling, quality, or idea. Therefore, a noun is a ‘naming word’.

For example,

  1. Persons: Jackson, man, woman, girl, boy, Mrs Smith, teacher, postman.
  2. Places: Canada, Toronto, school, hospital, Taj Mahal, Botanical Garden.
  3. Animals: lion, tiger, fish, snake, bear, zebra.
  4. Things: book, pen, brush, laptop, tree, cup.
  5. Ideas: love, fear, honesty, kindness, freedom, empathy.

Types of Nouns:

We divided the nouns into five different types:

  1. Proper Nouns
  2. Common Nouns
  3. Abstract Nouns
  4. Collective Nouns
  5. Material Nouns
  6. Compound Noun
  7. Countable Noun
  8. Uncountable Noun
  9. Singular Noun
  10. Plural Noun

Proper Noun: 

It denotes a particular person, place, thing, or idea, for example, Johny, Nina, New York, England, Asia, Europe, Taj Mahal, Christmas, and London Eye. 

Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter, and it would be specific. 

An example with sentence, I met Tom at the Botanical Garden. Here, Tom and Botanical Garden are the Proper Nouns.


Common Noun:

It is the name common to a thing or person of the same kind, class, or group, for example, pen, doctor, woman, computer, tiger, dog, city, bird etc. The common noun would not give specific information about the noun. Instead, it would be more general information. 

An example with sentence, I met a boy at a park. Here boy and park are the common nouns. 


Abstract Noun:

An Abstract Noun denotes a quality, action, state, or idea, and these nouns can neither be seen nor be touched. We can only think or feel of them. For examples: truth, honesty, bravery, stupidity, sympathy, wisdom, hatred, love, theft, mischief, activity, childhood, adolescence, freedom, puberty, sickness, death, politics, music, grammar etc.

An example with sentence, People lost faith in the prime minister. Here faith is the Abstract Noun. 


Collective Noun:

It is the name of the same type of persons or things taken together and regarded as one entity, for example, class, army, crowd, jury, committee, herd, dozen etc.

An example with sentence, A dozen eggs, please. Here dozen is a collective noun.


Material/Concrete Noun:

A material noun is the name of a matter or substance of which things are made, for example, iron, wood, silver, gold, wheat, paper, mud etc. A material noun is a name for something tangible.

An example with sentence, The hockey is made of wood. Here wood is the material noun.


Compound Noun:

A noun made up of two or more existing words, e.g. cat food or playgroup or policeman.

An example with sentence, The policeman helped the locals when the storm hit the city. Here, “policeman” is the Compound Noun.


Countable Noun:

The names of things that can be counted or divided into a singular or plural are called Countable Nouns, for example, chair, table, books, river, cup, pen, man, woman, computer etc.

An example with sentence, The classroom has ten tables. Here tables are the countable noun. 


Uncountable Noun:

The names of things that cannot be counted or divided are called Uncountable Nouns, for example, milk, news, wine, sugar, snow, oxygen, beauty etc. Uncountable nouns are also known as mass nouns. We usually treat uncountable nouns as singular. We use a singular verb.

An example with sentence, The news is relevant. Here “news” is the uncountable noun. 


Singular Noun:

A noun that denotes one person or one thing is said to be a singular noun. The noun that is not more than one. For example, person, boy, girl, man, woman, foot, king, pen, chair, table etc.

An example with sentence, I saw a boy in the garden. Here “boy” is a singular noun. 


Plural Noun:

The word “plural” means a quantity of more than one. Thus, a noun that shows more than one person, place, or thing, for example, people, boys, girls, men, women, feet, kings, pens, chairs, tables etc.

An example with sentence, I saw boys in the garden. Here “boys” is the plural noun. 

Nouns: Types of Noun with Examples | English Grammar.

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