Different cultures are mixing today and the world is becoming a global village. Is it a positive or a negative development? Give your own opinion and examples.

Different cultures are mixing today and the world is becoming a global village.

Nowadays, the world is changing into a global village and a variety of cultures are mixing. I believe it is a positive development. This essay will firstly discuss how this trend has enhanced the harmony among the nations and secondly, how developing nations have improved their economic growth; followed by a reasoned conclusion.

Globalization has brought the nations very close to each other. It has happened due to the commendable efforts of the United Nation. Many countries have opened their doors for tourists by giving access to visas on arrival. As a result, people have started travelling to other countries to feel and understand their culture by learning each other’s languages. Ecuador is a perfect example of this, it is a small Spanish speaking but a friendly country with beautiful beaches. Tourists from around the globe are welcome there without any visa.

The economic condition of developing nations has improved rapidly due to the friendly relations between nations. Since the blue planet has become a global village, many multinational companies have opened their branches in these countries. Thus, the business has become quite easier to do without trade barriers. For example, a large number of people are getting work and further they contribute their share by paying taxes to the governments. It becomes possible only due to companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, Samsung and Facebook who have invested a lot in countries like China, India, and Indonesia.

In conclusion, it is crystal clear that globalization is advantageous because it not only inspires people to learn each other’s languages but also helps in boosting the economies of the developing nations.


Now it’s your time to think about this topic “Different cultures are mixing today and the world is becoming a global village. Is it a positive or negative development?”. We have mentioned some of the important tips below(Do’s and Don’ts)

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