Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time.

Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time.

You should say:

  • What is it?
  • When your family had it?
  • How your family got it?
  • And explain why it is important for your family?

Sample Answer:

I would love to talk about that important thing, which my family has preserved. I am thrilled to tell you about this spirited painting that my family has taken great care of. This painting is about my grandfather, a pet cat, and a mango tree. This is a beautiful painting.

When your family had it?

Actually, my grandmother had made this portrait as a gift for my grandfather. It is a precious painting in which my grandfather is posing in a dashing suit in front of a mango tree. The cat can be seen on the branch of the mango tree. My grandfather was a gentleman. I have never met with him in real just got to know about him from my father.

My grandmother was a great artist, and she made this painting with her imagination. Once, she described everything about this art. She used oil paints to paint it on the canvas. It is in the family for more than 60 years.

How your family got it?

It used to be in the living room of our ancestral home. However, ten years back, we moved to the city. Therefore, we brought this painting with us to our new home.

Explain why it is important for your family?

It’s important to us because it was made by my grandmother for my grandfather. It is a symbol of love and affection between them. Our historical roots have a strong link with this gracious painting, and we are proud of our ancestral roots.

Ending Sentence

Thanks to this painting, the memories of my grandparents are still fresh in my heart because of it.

Follow-Up Questions related to the topic “Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time.”

1. Which do you think are better, old things or new things?

2. As well as family photographs, what are some other things that people keep in their family for
a long time?

3. In your culture, what sorts of things do people often pass down from generation to generation?

4. Why do you think people keep these things?

5. What are the benefits (= what is the value/what is the importance) of keeping some old things
in the family?

6. Do you think it’s good to recall the past?

Post your answers to the above follow-ups in the comment section. 

Do you have any questions about this topic “Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time?”? Please feel free to ask your question in the comment section. I love to read the viewpoints of readers. Follow us on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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