Describe an important journey that was delayed

Describe an important journey that was delayed

You should speak:

  • Why was it important?
  • What caused the delay?
  • What happened at the end?

Why was it important?

Well, I would like to tell you about a time when my journey was delayed. I am a native of Istanbul, and I had to catch my flight to Beijing. It was an official trip. I had to meet the executives of one of the biggest IT companies in China. My company had sent me to finalize the deal with that giant IT firm. I would say they were our potential clients. It was an extremely crucial meeting. I was anxious because of the situation.

What caused the delay?

Suddenly, the climate became severe. It was a powerful sand storm, and the entire airport was covered with the reddish clouds of dust. Due to this, the visibility became almost zero. I had to board my flight at 2 PM, but the flight didn’t arrive at the runway on time. It was not only my flight, but the majority of airlines were facing the same problem because of the dust in the air. My eyes were on the flight information display system. I became tense as I did not want to miss the opportunity to meet the delegate in China.

What happened at the end?

Finally, I took a breath of relief when I saw on the notice board that my plane has landed on the airport terminal 2, yet they did not update the time of taking off. It was almost 10 of the night. So, I went to the enquiry desk of the airlines to know about the schedule. They gave me a piece of good news that flight will take off to Beijing from the runway at sharp 12:30 AM. That day all the travellers stuck at the airport for more than 11 hours. The staff was very kind to us. They provided us with meals, and basic amenities even though everything happened due to the weather, the airline gave us all the facilities, which they provide to the passengers during the time of the technical faults.

At last, the flight landed on time in China, and I met with the officials, and the meeting went productive.

Now it’s your time to think and describe “Describe an important journey that was delayed”. It is always a good idea to develop your own answer. Think and Comment your answer in the comment section.

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