Describe an experience when you were with people and you got bored

An experience when you were with people and you got bored

  • Where you went?
  • Why were you bored there?
  • Whom you were with?


  • I’m going to tell you about a day which was one of the most boring days of my life.
  • I mean imagine you are in the middle of a crowded place yet you feel the boredom.
  • It did happen with me last year during a seminar.
  • I went there to give my presentation in front of the university professors, however, due to some unknown reasons, they arrived late.
  • This presentation was part of my postgraduate diploma.
  • I was helpless and fed up waiting for the examiners.
  • If it was not my exam, I would have left it without speaking.
  • I was not alone that day I was accompanied by my classmates and they were happy about this because the majority of them did not want to speak on the stage.
  • Even though I am not a good speaker, I don’t fear to speak on the stage. I just hate to waste time.
  • After waiting for a long time, they finally arrived and they commenced presentation but with a little change.
  • They changed the place of presentation and took the presentation of every student one by one in a separate room instead of the seminar hall. 
  • I would say it was the luckiest day for my classmate. As I told you most of them had a phobia of speaking on a stage, maybe God had listened to their prayers. Anyways ?
  • After waiting for a while, my turn came, everything went well and I finished my speech, In the end, one of the teachers gave me a little smile.
  • I believe it was not only me but the examiners looked super bored too ??

Thank you!

Now it’s your time to think and “Describe an experience when you were with people and you got bored”. It is always a good idea to develop your own answer. Think and Comment your answer in the comment section.

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