Describe a prize that you received – IELTS Cue Card

Describe a prize that you received:

  • What was it?
  • When you received it?
  • What did you do for it?
  • And explain how you felt about it?

Sample Answer:

Well, I would love to tell you about a prize which I won when I was in school, and it was a laptop. It was one of the best awards which I won ever in my life. Due to it, today, I am a game developer. I was in 10th standard at that time, and I took part in an essay writing competition. My essay was the best, and I won the first prize. I had the option to choose between a cash reward and a laptop. I happily chose the machine. It was an excellent but heavy laptop loaded with 2GB Ram, 64GB hard disc and Pentium 3 processor. The performance of this machine was extra-ordinary. I also want to tell that this laptop came with pre-installed XP Windows operating system.

I used to use the laptop with a dial tone connection, an old way to connect to the world wide web. Because of the machine and the internet, I become crazy about technology. I learnt C programming language even before joining the computer engineering program at the university. I guess It would not have been possible without a smart computer system. I was on cloud nine because of the fantastic prize. 

Nowadays, I develop computer games like Mario. If I have not learnt the C programming language during my school days, I might not have focused on information technology. It was all possible due to the lappy. I still have this laptop in my room, but I do not use it as it is quite old now, and the hardware is outdated as most of the programs these days require much more sophisticated hardware.

Thank you!

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Describe a prize that you received – IELTS Cue Card

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