Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal
Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal What it looked like Where you saw it What it likes to eat… Read More »Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal
Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal What it looked like Where you saw it What it likes to eat… Read More »Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal
Describe a computer/phone game you enjoy playing since your childhood What the game is about When you started playing it How often you play this… Read More »Describe a computer/phone game you enjoy playing since your childhood
IELTS Writing Task 2 date 25 February 2021 Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activity in many nations for young… Read More »IELTS Writing Task 2 date 25 February 2021
Describe an unforgettable bike(bicycle) trip When it was Where you went What happened during the trip How you felt about it Sample Answer: I would… Read More »Describe an unforgettable bike (bicycle) trip
Describe an interesting conversation that you had Who you had it with Where did you have it? What was the conversation, and why did you… Read More »Describe an interesting conversation that you had
Parts of Speech in English with Examples | Parts of Speeches Language is the best medium of communication through which we convey or express our… Read More »Parts of Speech in English with Examples | Parts of Speeches
Describe a piece of international news that you have recently heard What the news was about Where and when you heard it What you were… Read More »Describe a piece of international news that you have recently heard
Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of the public Where were you What did you sing… Read More »Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of the public
Describe a time when you felt bored You should say: When it was Who you were with What you were doing Why you felt bored… Read More »Describe a time when you felt bored
You recently discovered that there are plans to construct an airport in your locality. Write a letter to the local authority. In your letter, you… Read More »You recently discovered that there are plans to construct an airport in your locality. Write a letter to the local authority.
Describe a short trip that you often take but you do not like where you go when you go there why you go there and… Read More »Describe a short trip that you often take but you do not like
People used to live in the same city throughout their lives, but now they change where they live several times. What is the cause? Do… Read More »People used to live in the same city throughout their lives, but now they change where they live several times. What is the cause? Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?
Describe a decision made by others/someone that you disagreed with You should say: What the decision was How was it made What you disagreed with… Read More »Describe a decision made by others/someone that you disagreed with
Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do. You should say: Who he or she is? What… Read More »Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do.
Describe a time when you had to wait in a long line when it was how long the queue/line was what it was about how… Read More »Describe a time when you had to wait in a long line
Describe a person who wears unusual clothes Who is he/she How do you know him/her What kind of clothes he/she wears Why do you consider… Read More »Describe a person who wears unusual clothes
Write a letter to your friend about a book that you have read recently. Include the following in your letter:– Describe the book. Why do… Read More »Write a letter to your friend about a book that you have read recently
Describe a special hotel you stayed in Where it is What it is like (IELTS) Why you went there And how you felt about it… Read More »Describe a special hotel you stayed in
IELTS writing task 2 topics 2021 with answer | Sample questions 2021-02-13 People used to live in the same city throughout their lives, but now… Read More »IELTS writing task 2 topics 2021 with answer | Sample questions
Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination When it was When you needed to use imagination How difficult or easy it was… Read More »Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination