Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do.

Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do.

You should say:

  • Who he or she is?
  • What you encouraged him/her to do?
  • How he/she reacted?
  • And explain why you encouraged him/her?

Sample Answer:

I would love to tell you about a discussion between my friend {Name of your Friend} and me. He is my best friend, and we know each other since our childhood. We are also neighbours. Therefore, we stand together in our thicks and thins.

He has excellent knowledge of computers and other technical stuff. Also, he has a university degree in Computer engineering. Besides all of this, he was jobless. Due to that, he became depressed. The main reason behind his unemployment was his attitude not to leave his hometown. We live in a small town that is not an IT hub. Owing to that, I encouraged him to get out of his comfort zone and join some IT company. Fortunately, I have a good friend in Chandigarh, and I called him to arrange some accommodation for my bestie. I also helped him make a LinkedIn profile.

He became super excited and motivated to do a job. He hugged me and said I love you, bro.

I encouraged him because he is my best friend. Above all, we live like brothers. A true friend would never think bad about his loved ones. I also did the same by motivating him to become a professional IT engineer. I know if I were in his place, he would have also boosted my confidence.

Thank you!

Follow-Ups based on the topic “Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do.”

1. How could leaders encourage their employees?

Leaders always stand with their employees even when they have done something wrong at their work. They take responsibility for their employees. By setting examples, they boost the confidence of their workers. 

2. When should parents encourage their children?

Parents should encourage their children when they want to do something different. For example, if a child wants to do sports, parents should encourage him/her by giving him/her the chance to learn from some expert.

3. What kind of encouragement should parents give?

Parents should boost the confidence of their children by appreciating their good work. They can also guide them politely when they commit some blunders instead of snubbing them badly.

4. Do you think some people are better at persuading others?

Yes, I believe this is true. Some people are good at convincing others, and some become counsellors who guide others to achieve their dreams.


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