Describe a special hotel you stayed in

Describe a special hotel you stayed in

  • Where it is 
  • What it is like (IELTS)
  • Why you went there
  • And how you felt about it

Sample Answer:

I would love to tell you about that particular hotel where I spend three beautiful nights. It was in Kerela, almost 100 miles away from the airport. I forgot the name of this hotel. However, I remember many things vividly.

This hotel has state-of-the-art infrastructure, and It is a five-star hotel with a lush green lawn all around it. It has big swimming for adults and another small pool for kids. The surrounding view of this hotel is mesmerizing. Also, the staff at this beautiful place is kind and pleasant.

I went there with my family for a short vacation, and we enjoyed our time in tranquillity. My wife and children were in love with this place. The food was perfect, and I still can feel its aroma in my mind. 

I felt relaxed by spending quality time with my family. My lovely wife was happy too. We also did swimming together, but before that, we also took ayurvedic body massage. You know, when a working person gets time off from his work, I guess he/she always feel good. Indeed, this place was special because we got the chance to enjoy a plethora of things in a peaceful environment. 

Follow-ups question of the topic “Describe a special hotel you stayed in”

1. Do the ratings of people influence their choice?
Yes, it gives them the chance to reconsider their choice, so they do not end up spoiling their vacation.

2.How do people reserve rooms?
The 21st century is the century of technology. There are 100s of online portals that offer services to book rooms at the best price. I booked my hotel via

3. What influences people’s choice of hotels?
I think the most important thing is the cleanliness of the hotel. If a hotel does not have a perfect sanitation rating, most people will not book that hotel.

4. What’s the difference between hotels in your country and hotels abroad?
I cannot speak on this question exactly as I never get the chance to visit abroad. However, I have seen hotels in Hollywood movies, and if I compare them with Indian hotels, I do not see much difference.

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