Many people believe that it’s better to learn something in a group rather than individually. Do you agree or disagree?

It’s Better To Learn Something In a Group Rather Than Individually

It is believed by many individuals that learning in a group is much more beneficial as compared to alone. This essay agrees that studying in a group is better. Firstly, this essay will discuss how students can gain more knowledge in less time and secondly, learners will not lose interest in the topics.

Students can acquire ample of knowledge by doing a group study in a short timeframe. While studying together, a quick learner can clear doubts of others by giving adequate reasons. As a result, students understand the concepts with huge clarity in less time. For example, students can solve mathematics problems quickly by collaborating with each other. However, a few students do not feel comfortable while studying in groups because of their introvert nature.

Another major benefit of learning in a group is that learners do not lose interest in the topic. It is generally seen that when a group of friends studies together, they do not feel boredom due to their strong bond and sometimes due to their unique and funny ways of explaining the ideas to one another. Moreover, this also encourages strong and healthy competition between friends. Resultantly, by studying in groups learners can boost their academic performance. A clear example of this is IELTS exam preparation when students do brainstorming in a group, it not only improves their thinking abilities but also enhances their vocabulary.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that learners can do better while learning something. It not only saves time but also keeps their interest alive in the topics.


Now it’s your time to think about this topic “It’s Better To Learn Something In a Group Rather Than Individually”. We have mentioned some of the important tips below(Do’s and Don’ts)

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