Describe an occasion when you lost something and then got it back.

Describe an occasion when you lost something and then got it back?

  • what the occasion was and what you lost,
  • how you lost it,
  • how you found it,
  • and say how you felt when you got it back.

an occasion when you lost something

Sample Answer:

  • Well, It was the year 2015 when I lost my wallet.
  • I went to the supermarket to do the grocery with my mother and I don’t remember when and where I dropped it. I even didn’t realize till the next morning when I started looking for my wallet at home before leaving for my work.
  • After spending plenty of time on searching, I got the sense that maybe I have lost it in the downtown market.
  • However, without wasting any time, I registered a complaint with the police, my bank, the insurance company, and the immigration department.
  • Though my wallet had enough money, all I was worried about my driving licence and PR card. Moreover, my credit card was also in it.
  • I doubted that maybe someone could do the misuse of my documents.
  • I didn’t go to work that day.
  • Fortunately, in the evening, someone knocked at the door with my wallet.
  • I was glad to see my wallet in the hands of a stranger.
  • I welcomed the person inside my home. He was generous and amiable.
  • He found the wallet on the roadside while he was on his evening walk. 
  • Maybe someone took out all the money and left the remaining things inside and threw the wallet on the road. Luckily, the stranger found it.
  • As I told you, I was honestly worried about my PR card, and when I got it back, I was happy. ?

Thank you!

Now it’s your time to think about “an occasion when you lost something”. It is always a good idea to develop your own answer. Think and Comment your answer in the comment section.

Audio submitted by one of our students:
We at IELTS DON, do not upload cue card videos of experts, however, we provide audio videos of Cue cards recorded by our students, so you will get an idea how the students of level 7,8 or 9 speak the cue cards. It would give you the ability to differentiate yourself so you can improve yourself accordingly. Our only motive is to make you feel comfortable and confident. The only mantra to get the desired scores in IELTS speaking is:
Speak, speak, and speak without grammatical mistakes as much as you can.


Follow Up Questions:

  1. Why do people always forget things?
  2. How can people avoid forgetting things?
  3. What is the best action to take if you find something or lost something?
  4. In our modernised world, people tend to forget their history and culture. What are the reasons for that?


You can also talk about following cue cards if you have prepared the above topic:

1. Describe the disheartening experience you have.
2. Describe a sad event you clearly remember.
3. Describe something important you lost.
4. Describe the bitter experience you had.

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