cookery classes listening answers IELTS 13 Listening practice Test 1

Cookery classes listening answers IELTS 13 Listening practice Test 1

Listening Section 1, Q 1 – 10

1. choose

2. private

3. 20 / twenty percent

4. healthy

5. bones

6. lecture

7. arretsa

8. vegetarian

9. market

10. knife

Section 2, Q 11 – 20

11. B

12. C

13. B

14. E

15. D

16. B

17. G

18. C

19. H

20. I

Section 3, Q21 – 30

21. A

22. C

23. B

24. C

25. B

26. G

27. C

28. H

29. A

30. E

Section 4, Q31 – 40

31. crow

32. cliffs

33. speed

34. brain/brains

35. food

36. behaviour/behaviours/behavior/behaviors

37. new

38. stress

39. tail/tails

40. permanent

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