Mischievous monkey is a story about a clever monkey who did not follow the rules. To know more.
Let’s begin
Once upon a time, a temple was being built just a short distance from the city. There was a lot of woodwork in the temple, so many wood sawing workers were engaged in the job. Wood logs were lying here and there, and the task of ripping the logs and chevron was going on. All the workers had to go to the city to have lunch, so there was no one left for an hour in the afternoon. One day, when it was time to eat, all the workers left the workplace. A wooden log was left half-cut. The workers pushed the stick into a half sawed log of the wood. By doing this, it is easy to insert saws again.
Then a group of monkeys jumped there. There was also a mischievous monkey among them, who kept on manipulating things meaningfully. It was his habit to screw up. The monkey chieftain ordered everyone not to tamper with the things lying there. All the monkeys walked towards the trees, but that naughty monkey left everyone’s eyes behind and started to obstruct.
What did the monkey do?
His eyes fell on the half-sawed log and sat on top of it. He spread his legs on both sides of the log while his tail dangled through the half sawed log of wood. Just then, he started looking at the wooden stick which was stuck in the middle. Then he saw saws lying nearby. He picked it up and started rubbing it on the wood.
His mind started getting curious that what would happen if this stick was removed from the middle of the log. Now he grabbed the wooden stick and tried hard to get it out. The monkey started trying very hard to move him. When the stick started moving and sliding, the monkey became happy with its power.
He started laughing more ferociously. Amidst this scuffle, the monkey’s tail came between the split parts of the log, which he did not know.
He got excited and pushed the stick with full force. Suddenly, the stick came out of the split parts of the log shut together trapping the tail of the monkey who was sitting on the log. The monkey shouted and cried out in pain.
Then the workers returned there. On seeing them, the monkey forced to run away screaming with a broken tail.
Moral of the Story: Never Meddle With Other People’s Business.